Home Fashion Fashion in Dubai

Fashion in Dubai

written by admin January 27, 2017

In todays world Fashion is one of the most expressive ways for someone to truly show the world who they are.  With Dubai being one of the most face forward fashion locations in the world here are some tips for staying comfortable and fashionable while still respecting the culture around you. Now don’t get us wrong when you visit Dubai and you go to the famous malls around the city you will see plenty of disregard for the dress code especially by foreigners. But in a lifestyle of luxury the disregard for another cultures codes, in most cases, should be avoided to show respect and class.


For the basics. Women should keep their shoulders and knees covered when out in public places. However, by all means when you are in your room, be you. Be free. Now lets not think to much into this because men have similar codes. They are not allowed to show their knees or wear tank tops and shirts of that sort. Lets not get it mixed up when you are at a pool of course it makes sense for these codes not to apply but there are still some codes with lounging by the pool as well. No topless bathing and I would have avoided any thong like swimwear as well. One of the biggest mistakes we see people make is when they are transitioning from the pool to a public place. So in order not to cause any unnecessary conversations between you and security guards maybe try keeping easy to slip on garments for both the men and the women.

For the women we find it best that a maxi dress can easily cover up a wet swimsuit and just as easily disappear when the desire to jump back into the water hits you. Men its very easy just keep your t shirt close and if you’re a speedo wearing guy lets throw some shorts on over that, for everyone’s sake. Lets also not let the choice of clothing be see through as well for both the men and the women while moving from one amazing location to another.


In Dubai it is very hot and humid so go with clothes that are light and flow easily in the wind. This can be easily accomplished with what the world of Fashion has to offer in todays fashion world.

While out and about in this enticing city don’t forget your sunscreen. Temperatures can hit upwards of 122 degrees. Protect yourself and those around you by keeping your sunscreen ready at hand. You can store items like this and your phone in very fashionable ways as well, while traversing around town using small satchels or purses or even a trendy back pack. This allows you to keep phone chargers, headphones, and all of todays every day needs close to you and very accessible.

The nightlife in Dubai when compared to everywhere else in the world is the same when you see pictures. Short skirts, cocktail dresses all of that can be seen regularly. But also take into mind that it is very troublesome for some of these spots to get licensing for alcohol.  Hotels and such are the places that bother to get the special license required to serve alcohol. Taking that into consideration the way people are dressed around you is typically well dressed. Now depending on what bar or hotel you are going to would determine the level of fashion trendiness that you would want to keep up with. The biggest thing not to worry about in the nightclubs is that you do not have to apply the same rules that you would in public places. however, is maintaining the same rules of modesty that apply to other public places.

Let’s be honest guys. Its 2016 there are a million ways to be fashion forward and show who you really are. You can do it comfortably and boldly without any problems. With that in mind again it is 2016 lets not be closed mined to the cultures around us. Be respectful to “the codes” weather or not they are really truly enforced or not. In order to live luxurious, we must exude beauty in all walks of life.


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